Gilbert White Flood Memorial

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Flood Level Marker
Boulder, Colorado
Art / science / education collaboration

Boulder, Colorado is one of the front range communities most vulnerable to extreme flooding. Boulder Creek flows thru the downtown part of Boulder, next to Boulder High School, and past Naropa University and University of Colorado married international student housing. In honor of my father Gilbert White, water resources expert and geographer, we are constructing a flood level marker, to remind people of the risk of flooding and remind them to be prepared and make a plan. A talented team to carry out this project, including two flood plain managers, a natural hazards editor, hospice nurse, three artists, two engineers, two city officials, flood film maker, and two citizen activists.

To read about the this project, please link to article Mary wrote, “Boulder Creek Flood Level marker Project, Colorado, US”, for the Women Environmental Artists Directory Magazine on the process, science/art collaborations and completion.