Since 2005, I have been making recycled greenhouse glass and repurposed metal structures that encourage the survival of wild birds in urban environments, by providing clean running water, perching areas, native food source plants and nesting materials. Many of the pieces have solar water pumps because the running water attracts birds and insects and keeps water from getting stagnant quickly. I have made over 50 bird bath contraptions so far, some elaborate, some simple, some for public spaces, some for private gardens.
My goal is to inspire urban dwellers to create welcoming habitats for local wild birds.
Three month project to transform formal garden of grass and non-native plants to wild bird habitat with running water, brush pile and native plants. Solar powered running water bird baths constructed with elements from the Presidio store pile.
Installation for “Eco Visions”, Women Environmental Artists Directory Exhibition”, Installation piece done in conjunction with World Environment Day, Thoreau Center, The Presidio, San Francisco, California.