Safe housing is a human right. Increasing mobility and migration bring up many questions about what is home, what can a dwelling provide?
The house shape can be a metaphor for these inquires of human and place interaction. This body of work explores the relationship of place and home to the physical world. The Dwelling Series started in 1995, and continues investigation. Most of the works are illuminated internally by a variety of lighting techniques. All materials are recycled or reused salvaged glass, wood and metal. As an artist, it becomes a quest to use as much sustainable practice as possible in the making process.
“Living on Fault Lines and Pacific Currents” explores the concept of adaptation to natural hazards, specifically earth quake zones and sea level rise.
“Wanderers and Seekers” series addresses the transitory nature of home for many and the dilemmas of immigration, migration, and relocating one’s dwelling and one’s home.
Investigation of the questions of what can one bring when one moves one’s home, and the physical and spiritual dimensions.
“Rolling one day at a time towards sustainability” was inspired by Bob Kirby, glass engineer who demonstrated how to mix clay and recycled window glass into a tough opaque glass/clay. This piece suggests possibilities for building with this innovative sustainable material.
“The Circuitous Path to the Inner Light” series are inspired by the phrase “look for the light in everyone”.